Friday, September 12, 2008

Following Obama

This reader over at Andrew Sullivan's blog makes the point that it's enough with the governor of Alaska.  Let's focus on what Obama is doing.  Let's point out the lies McCain himself is telling. Let's get to the issues and win.  Should I say it?  Yes we can!


Anonymous said...

I don't think the issues will win this, I think it's about personality,and character and image. But not issues. No one seems to care about issues. I say, back away from the issues and focus on why Obama is a better and more moral, honest and inspiring candidate. It's a sad state of affairs but I think a major change in his campaign is the only thing that will save us from a grizzly fate.

Robin Aronson said...

There's a lot of truth in what you say -- character and personality will drive a lot of what happens on Nov 1. But for me, personally, I'd like to not think about the person that is Palin and focus more on the problem of her policies and whatever McCain's might be (and who can tell anymore) and focus on the policies and potential leadership that Obama presents and embodies (respectively). His campaign is changing ("McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose an election") Besides, in election days, Nov 1 is a long way off -- like it's 7 billion news cycle. And I think that between McCain's trip to The View and Pailn's reportedly rote performance with Charlie Gibson (in which she sounded an awful lot like a lady version of Bush) something started to shift yesterday. That McCain is lying daily won't bother some people, but those people probably weren't the persuadable voters anyway. In any case, think no one can say what really wins an election. Some strange alchemy, for sure, but we can all urge the winds to blow blue when Nov 1 rolls around.

Anonymous said...

John McCain's campaign manager famously said that this election is not about the issues. I hate to fight dirty, but I think Obama needs to pull a "Daisy Ad" and start driving home the fact that should McCain not finish his term, Palin will be president.

Robin Aronson said...

But this has got to be about McCain and not Palin, because the fact that Palin could finish McCain's term would get a lot of the Republican base out. The bottom line is McCain says he's a maverick, but he's embraced everything that's gone wrong in government in the last eight years -- aka Bush, and while I agree to some degree that Obama can't only talk about the issues, he has to talk about the economy and the failure of Republican policies that McCain has embraced.