Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Field Trip

Remember going on field trips when you were a kid? Remember how the bus was always too hot and the trip there was full of anxious anticipation and then the being there was great and you wondered why you were even anxious and then the trip home was really long and you, like, fell off the bus in an exhausted stupor? And remember how no matter what there was always one poor kid, sometimes two, who threw up? Well, today, I went with my kids' camp on a field trip to the Bronx Zoo, and I can tell you, almost nothing about field trips has changed.

FYI, this experience has made it impossible for me to blog about Michelle Obama, but let me say this about her: She's amazing. And I bet if she were on this field trip, she would have stepped off the bus looking completely assembled.


Anonymous said...

More details please (as the parent of one of the thrower-uppers, I didn't get much more info than that...) Glad it was fun!

Robin Aronson said...

Well, the throw-er up was an extremely good sport about it. He tried to hold it back for as long as he could, even when he was obviously green, and afterwards he was as chipper as could be. I was impressed! And I have to say, the kids all had a BALL at the zoo. That's mostly what I saw, a troop of blue shirts running around completely excited by what they were seeing and relatively willing to follow instructions to hold hands.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear, and you were a trooper to be a "chaperone". I have no doubt you were just as composed as Michelle would have been.

Robin Aronson said...

The trip was actually pretty fun - it was just those bus rides! And as for me and Michelle, You're very generous, but probably wrong.