Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Knitting Thing-Take 2 & an Update

Lately I've been spending some of my now fairly limited blog-reading time on one web site -- Ravelry, which is some kind of knitting community. I say "some kind" because I kind of don't entirely understand the site and still it's wholly seductive. What's seductive about it is you can search yarn and patterns and imagine all the things you could make or would make differently. You can admire some exceedingly good handiwork and wonder about all the time people spend knitting. And you can be amazed at just how much energy people put into hats. Really. The hat making on Ravelry is intense. People are making hats with twists, with waves, with lace, with god knows what. I guess they do it because they can, because hats are quick and show off some nice work, but it's still overwhelming. The whole knitting thing is overwhelming, especially for me because I really do like to knit, but unlike with, say, cooking, practice is not making me better. Bolder, sure, but better? Not really. I don't know what it will take to get to be a better knitter, but I'm guessing it's more actual knitting and less perusing.

On a personal front, I'm almost out of the weeds and I expect and hope to be back in some kind of regular blogging rhythm by the weekend.

1 comment:

roni said...

I am nodding along in agreement, because a distant friend has been posting pictures of her knitting projects on Facebook and I am amazed at what an advanced knitter she has become. She has a full-time job, a long commute by car, and a 7-year old. I don't know when in the past 6 years she has found the time to become the kind of knitter who completes the advanced patterns in Vogue Knitting. I, on the other hand, am working on yet another scarf for my husband. LOL.