Friday, October 10, 2008

The Time Problem

I don't have enough time. I know no one has enough time, but right now, I really feel like I'm just grabbing hours wherever I can. And what's really bad about that is when I do that, I end up drinking too much coffee, which makes it hard to settle in when I do have a few hours. Like now. The worst part of this post (and it's bad, I know, but still), is that I had a really great idea for it yesterday. But yesterday was Yom Kippur, so I didn't post. (My one nod to God; that and not going to Saks with a friend to look for a wedding dress. I think that must be bad luck, or something.) The same thing happened before my last post -- I'd practically written something in my head, but then, I forgot! It's awful, but there it is. Which is to say: Please tune in again!

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