Friday, October 30, 2009


When I was 7 my parents took my brother (then 10) and me to France for six weeks. We spent two weeks in Paris and a month on the idyllic island of Corsica. It was an amazing experience in so many ways and just one thing that was amazing about it is the trip introduced us to Asterix and Obelix, with whom we both became immediately obsessed. The scrappy Asterix, the ridiculous Obelix, it was all too fantastic. Now it turns out that today Asterix turns 50! I feel, I don't know, like buying a cupcake and a comic book and lying on my belly with my knees up in the air. Of course if I lay like that for too long I wouldn't be able to get up, but that's besides the point. Happy Birthday Asterix!


Karen said...

E and N were just introduced to Asterix and Obelix this summer in Sweden! They were totally hooked - we brought back some dvds if you are interested!

Robin Aronson said...

DVDs!!! Who knew?? Maybe so--I bet Elliot would totally love them...

Karen said...

They are in euro-format, so you can only watch them here on your computer (unless you have a fancy zone-free dvd player...) but the kids LOVED them! They saved several portions of our otherwise stressful trip.

Robin Aronson said...

We'll have to come over and experience the wonder of the zone free DVD...i didn't even know about such things!

Unknown said...

You are hilarious. Happy Bday!!!

Robin Aronson said...

Thank You!